Gays in America used to be afraid to come out because of many reasons, mainly what their parents, friends and others would think of them. Now they are so afraid to come out and get bullied, that they just decided to end their life.
Many stars such as Ellen have been tring to reach out and help confused teens about their sexuality. Others such as the rapper 50 Cent is for gas suicides. He tweeted that if you are gay you should just kill yourself. When Nada Abdulhaqq a Frostburg State grad student was interviewed she would see 50 Cent pay the cost for what he is saying. She wants bullying to stop. "There should be a consequence to pay for bullying. One finable by law." Lauren Herman a Sociology major, also agreed with Nada, and added that "There should be more seminars to help students who are gay or have gay friends." Donna Sivic a Administrative Assistant "would like to see prevention seminars to help students before things get this far."
Bullying is very serious. Many are joining the fight to stop it. Not only is gay bullying a big issue but bullying altogether. If we all stand up to fight to stop bullying we could save lives. Would you like to help save a life?
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