Thursday, October 7, 2010

No agreement in sight on abortion issue

Abortion is a divisive issue across the country, and Frostburg State University is no different. After asking three individuals about their thoughts on abortion on Thursday the 7th, it was clear that there was no consensus on campus. That’s not surprising, given the charged nature of the topic that touches on religious, cultural, and personal beliefs.

Many people are against abortion because they feel that killing unborn fetuses is wrong. That was the opinion of Cierra Dupree, an undecided freshman from Baltimore, who said people “shouldn’t take other lives”. The core component of this argument is the idea that a fetus is a human, with the full rights accorded humans under the law.

Others feel that having an abortion is the right of the woman, since it is her body, and any attempt to limit abortion would impose a restriction on the woman’s freedom. Joanna Skelley, an administrative assistant, said that the decision to have an abortion should be an individual choice, rather than something that should be controlled by the government.

Some people simply do not know if abortion is right or not. William Jackson, a junior accounting major from Upper Marlboro, said that he was neither for nor against abortion, though he maintained that it was an important issue. Given that the pro-life position limits the rights of women, and the pro-choice position limits those of the fetus, it is not surprising that no agreement is forthcoming.

Charged for a Hate Crime?

Since the tragedy of Tyler Clementi committing suicide, many in the US feel that his roommate should be charged for committing a hate crime against him. Dhuran Ravi taped Clementi and another male together and posted the video on his Twitter for his friends to see. After finding out what happened, Clementi jumped off the George Washington Bridge on September 22, 2010. This problem caused an uproar that is sweeping the nation. Students here at Frostburg share their own opinions on how Ravi should be charged.

Tiegan Hauser a Social Science Junior from Frederick, Maryland agrees with most of American saying, "Yeah he [Ravi] should be charged for a hate crime. What he did was completely messed up. It was so cruel and it shouldn't have happened."
Though there are differences around campus on what Ravi should be charged with. Louis Mossano an International Business junior from Frederick also gave his opinion as he was raising money for the food bank, “Should he charge for a hate crime? No. All other issues? I support. I don’t think that he [Ravi] did this because his roommate was gay. He was just being an asshole.”

Laura a Pre-Vet freshman from Germany talks about the future and how we can learn from this tragedy more than the legal issues, “No. He should be tried for invading privacy or something. Though the thing society should worried about the most is making sure something like this doesn’t happen again.”

Social Status of Gamers

Over the years, video games have gotten a bad reputation. Many believe that some games have gotten to violent and addicting. There are styreotypes that people who regularly play video games are “not cool” or “losers.” Heather Mcintyre, an Accounting major at Frostburg State University believes that it depends on the person’s age whether or not he or she falls into these catagories. She stated, “if your out of college, like over thirty, yeah, I think you’re a dork.”

The “dorky” aspect often comes from the expectation that regularly playing video games forces a person to have less social interaction than most people. David Rands, a Professor of History at Frostburg, says that you are “not neccessarly “not cool” or a “loser” but it leads to a lack of social skills.” He attributes this to the interaction with a computer not a real person; therefore, players are lacking social interaction. However, many would controdict this statement. Louis Mozzano, a junior International Business major at Frostburg from Middletown, Maryland, commented that “video games are now social networks because of the online gameplay.” He says that although it is not face to face, there is still that interaction.

Opinions of video game players will always be different. A person’s perspective on players and video games will determine the impression they have on a player’s social status’.

Stormy and Safe?

Frostburg weather can be very unpredictable to say the least. When a huge snow storm hit in December 2009 it even caused a postponement with Frostburg State University graduation. With this situation still fresh on student and faculty minds amazingly enough when asked, “If they believe Frostburg State University takes necessary precautions in helping them deal with Frostburg’s winter weather?” Most people said yes. Kathy Perkins, the Administrative Assistant at FSU said, “Yes the weather is unpredictable, and it is hard to get every sidewalk while snow is still falling. They do a fine job.” Judy Abbott, the Information Desk Manager at FSU agreed with Perkins saying, “I think they try their best and it is very difficult.” Sharon Saku, a Biology Major in her third year at FSU thinks the college does a good job at cleaning up the nasty weather. Saku sadly stated, “We don’t get very many days off because of snow, they clean it up too fast.” Although most people believe that FSU does their best to keep Frostburg Campus safe during unpredictable weather circumstances, one student completely disagrees. Kristen Cousin, a Junior at FSU, confirmed that she indeed has fallen on campus. Nearly everyone would agree that after a snow storm it is practically impossible to make streets and sidewalks of Frostburg entirely harmless but, most agree the campus does its best to keep things safe.

HUGE class sizes

When several students at Frostburg State were asked what their average class size was the response was extremely varied.  Anthony King a Senior from Germantown, Md said around 20, Mike Jones a Freshman from Baltimore, Md said about 25, Scott Wasser a Junior from Leesburg, Va said around 22, Mike Naylor a Junior from Largo, Md said 25, and Auston Brown a freshman from North Beach, Md said 30 along with Chad Bondura a sophomore from Baltimore and Brendon Blanchette a sophomore from Westminster, Md.  According to these young men the average class size at Frostburg State is around 26 students per class.  Seeing that Anthony King had the smallest class size the large average may be due to the large numbers given by the younger students.

Gay marriages, yes or no?

Walking through the FSU campus armed with the controversial question, "Do you think gay marriages should be legal in all states?" a journalism student might feel apprehension about asking people their opinions due to the polar opposite of viewpoints that can be presented.

When approached Melissa Zachritz, a senior Art major from Cumberland responded, "Yes, of course. Gay's struggle so much more trying to get around governmental policies, it's ridiculous. They are people too and deserve the same rights as straights." Melissa's friend sits quietly beside her, as if awaiting her turn to answer. Francesca Pehr, who is also a senior Art major from Baltimore, quickly chimed in, "Yes, 110%," she states firmly, and goes on to continue, "I've seen firsthand how it can affect a family. We've come so far in woman and racial rights it's only fair that people of a different sexual orientation have the same equal rights protection under the law. Gays are people too. People treating other people differently based on sexual orientation is disgusting. I used to babysit for a lesbian couple, and seeing all the hardships they faced because they were gay was revolting."

However, one is quick to face the opposing argument placed on gay rights. Josh Gilhart, a junior Education major from Hagerstown, did not express the same positive feelings. When asked the question he seemed to become irate, his face expressing a look of disgust, "No, I believe it goes against the Bible and the Word of God. The government, and the works of men, should not be able to prevail over God," he forcibly states.

Ashley Swinford: The Southern, Dancing, Traveler

Many people have goals that they wish to complete in their lifetimes. For some that is to succeed in school and get a successful job, and for others it is to carry on their family business. For Ashley Swinford’s goal in life is to be happy and continue to enjoy life to the best of her abilities. Her carefree nature causes her to live by such sayings as, “If it’s meant to be, it will happen.” Quotes such as this are what keep her going day by day.

Ashley is very passionate about traveling and seeing the world. She expressed an interest in going to France and Ireland the most, but she seemed passionate about traveling anywhere to experience what life and this world have to offer. She already has a good list of different states and countries she’s visited, including Canada, Florida and Georgia. When first meeting Ashley, she immediately wins you over with her cheerful attitude and friendly nature. A new potential friend will immediately see that she is a caring and respectful person. This, along with her constant and cheerful laugh, will make any person open up to her in a trusting and positive manner.

On first glance, Ashley is like any college student. She enjoys playing Xbox, particularly Gears of War, and likes music and movies. She has a deep passion for football and NASCAR, which she expressed was caused by her Southern upbringing. Jokingly she told me, “My dad is a Southern redneck, so that was bound to rub off on me growing up.” As family is important to her, it is a definite that she will be bidding on some of the upcoming NASCAR auctions that are featured on the NASCAR site. However, beneath all of those normal interests, she has achieved many goals in her life and has talents that she is passionate for.

When she was little, Ashley tried many variations of dance, including jazz and tap, but as she entered high school she found an interest in her high school’s drill team. Through her hard work and dedication, she became a lieutenant as a senior on the drill team dance squad and even had the opportunity to dance solo. When asked if she was nervous during such a big event in life, she said, “No, it is what I enjoy doing, and it was within my comfort zone.” Many people should meet someone such as Ashley Swinford because it is important to have such an optimistic and driven friend in anyone’s life.

Response to On Campus Events

Recently multiple students at Frostburg State University were interviewed with the question, “How many on campus events have you attended?” An English teacher, Frank Parks, responded that he has not attended any on campus events this semester. He is currently working on releasing a book, with a deadline of December 1, which has been consuming much of his time.

Ben Stone, wildlife major and junior from Hagerstown, claimed that he has only attended a seminar on rats this semester. This was a required campus event that he was required to attend for his major, but he said that he thoroughly enjoyed it. When questioned on if he plans to attend on campus events more, his response was: “I’d rather just get out of class and play Call of Duty.”

Another person that was interviewed was an influential member of the Frostburg BURG program named Caitlyn McGregor. A native from LaVale, Maryland and English major, in her sophomore year, Caitlyn attended multiple BURG programs over the course of this semester. She said that her favorite program has been the BURG Bash which is a dance for all of campus.

Crime in Our Country by Markisha Barber

Crime in the United States is an issue that many people feel is important, but they really don't know what to do about it. There are so many other issues that people tend to overlook it. With problems like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans are more focused on the aspect of trouble with other countries than with themselves. People also avoid the dilemma of crime because it is a "scary" topic. It is almost natural for one to look at others and point a finger before looking at themselves. However, no matter how hard one may attempt to escape, crime in America is a relevant issue that must be addressed.

In our society, it appears that certain crime is deemed more acceptable than others. "Certain crime is terrible...If it's a crime that get's you money, it's okay. But crime a like raping someone is really bad," said Darryl Lee, an undecided freshman at Frostburg State University. Some people agree with Lee, like Kenar Johnson a senior at FSU. He also believes that crime is bad, but "if you're stealing to get food to feed your family, that's cool." The idea that some crime is better than others seems to be a belief that is shared among many.

Some people also feel as though crime has a "color" of sorts, like FSU junior and Sociology major, Nathan Saunders who believes that a person's race heightens the crime. This would suggest that our country still thrives off of racism. According to certain studies, African Americans do make up a large percentage of the jail population, so that may be so. But, there still remains the question of why.

There are many different views on crime and the causes, but just about everyone agrees that it should be stopped. Most people say that they want to see and end to crime, but don't give a solution. Christopher Moses, a junior and Political Science major at FSU, believes that more laws and increased penalties would decrease the crime rate. No matter what officially happens to put an end to crime, something must be done soon.

Stop Gay Suicides

Gays in America used to be afraid to come out because of many reasons, mainly what their parents, friends and others would think of them. Now they are so afraid to come out and get bullied, that they just decided to end their life.
Many stars such as Ellen have been tring to reach out and help confused teens about their sexuality. Others such as the rapper 50 Cent is for gas suicides. He tweeted that if you are gay you should just kill yourself. When Nada Abdulhaqq a Frostburg State grad student was interviewed she would see 50 Cent pay the cost for what he is saying. She wants bullying to stop. "There should be a consequence to pay for bullying. One finable by law." Lauren Herman a Sociology major, also agreed with Nada, and added that "There should be more seminars to help students who are gay or have gay friends." Donna Sivic a Administrative Assistant "would like to see prevention seminars to help students before things get this far."
Bullying is very serious. Many are joining the fight to stop it. Not only is gay bullying a big issue but bullying altogether. If we all stand up to fight to stop bullying we could save lives. Would you like to help save a life?

New Policies Improve Frostburg's Trash Removal System

Recently, Frostburg passed new policies that affect the trash removal system throughout the city. Several students of the University who live off campus and are effected by this system were asked how they felt about the new set of policies.

Laura Reeves, a Math major from Westminster, MD says that "As long as its working to be improved, then I approve."

Courtney Redman, a Sociology major from Frederick, MD says "I wish there was more recyling involved. Besides that, it is much better for the community."

And Leanna Atkins, a Psychology major from Ellicott City, MD says "I like it because it allows our sorority to help get involved with the community and helps keep the town much cleaner. But it still requires an entire community to put in its effort."

It's apparent that few have any apparent issues with the new policies, and that Frostburg is looking to become a much cleaner and sanitary town. ~ Darris Dameron

Tragedies in the Media

I interviewed several people at Frostburg State University about their thoughts about the question "Do you believe that the media exploits tragedies, if so how? If not, why?" and many people had the same general answers.

Erin Wheeler, a Senior here are Frostburg State University majoring in Music and who is originally from Waldorf, Maryland states, "Yes, people always want to see the bad part of the news. When audiences hear about something positive going on, their interest just goes out the window."

Courtney Navarini, a Freshman here at Frostburg State University, majoring in Social Work and originally from Middletown, Maryland states, "Yes, there is no more positive recognition in the news anymore. Every time I turn on the news whether in the car or on television, there is always someone talking about a new terror threat or the death of several people. I believe that people just want to hear about the bad news all the time just to keep their interest in the news. If everything was positive, people may not be as willing to keep the news on for long periods of times."

My last interviewee was a faculty member here at Frostburg State University, who is locally from Frostburg. Judy Abbot is the Information Desk Manager, and her answer for my question was "Yes, the media does put the tragedies as their main focus of the news. I believe that the media is unreliable because there is no truth in the stories. I believe that the media injects their own personal feelings, opinions, and thoughts just to keep their audiences on the edge of their seats. One negative preference that pops into my mind is the 2008 elections. I would watch the news and there would be so many contradictions about how each news station felt about the runners. If they would have just stuck to one side of the election, not making it so personal(like it was 20 years ago), maybe the news would be more reliable and people may enjoy it more and would be able to believe in their media anchor."

Hey, Stop That ! That's Gay !

Blaming the death of American soldiers on America’s expectants of the gay culture is an extreme theory. This is the conclusion a lot Westboro Baptist have come to when determining the reason for many lives lost in the Middle East. During many American soldiers funerals the Westboro church protest out front, screaming out loud their theory. A time when people are grieving over the lost of a love one; is when Westboro express their opinions and views. On the Frostburg State University campus a handful of students were asked about this matter. Kenar Johnson , an urban regional planning major, had this to say, “I believe in freedom of speech, but some where you have to draw the line.” Kenar also feels that Gay people are not pressing the Westboro Baptist church about their views, so they should not judge them on their lifestyle. Another student Lloyd Mcleave, a business major, had this to say, “I think that’s wrong.” When his friend Travis Oliver, Sociology major, was asked the same question he said, “That it’s ignorant.” Travis also feels that being judgmental goes against a lot of the Westboro Christian beliefs. Does it ever cross the mind of Westboro Baptist that soldiers are dying because we are at war, but hey that’s just a thought.

The Phantom Girlfriend

Social networks in the last few years have been on the incline. More and more people use sites such as Facebook or Myspace to keep up with their friends and update whats going on in their day to day lives. There is a relationship status option in Facebook that a person can change to put who they are in a relationship with, but does the person really know their boyfriend or girlfriend? Is having a relationship formed through a social network acceptable? Three people at Frostburg State University answered this question.

Louis Mozzano, a Junior at Frostburg State University who majors in international business from Middletown Maryland said yes it is acceptable. Louis said, "Being on a social network builds communication skills whether you are in a relationship or not, you wont build skills without them." Louis had a very positive take on the subject.

Kristin Cousin, however, did not have such a positive outlook. The third year graduate student from Annapolis stated, "I am on the fence about the whole situation, Social networks are ruining social interaction which in turn are ruining relationships." Kristin does not like the idea of social networking at all because according to her it has affected social life in a very negative way.

Andy Duncan, Assistant Professor of English at Frostburg State has to keep in touch with fellow staff members via internet on a daily basis. Mr. Duncan has a Facebook of his own and has a following of 1668 people. Mr. Duncan said about the subject, "If you are in touch only via social network then to what extent are you actually friends?" Mr. Duncan is open to any sort of online interaction whether it be personal or professional.

Tasty, or not?

Frostburg State University has a couple of choices when deciding what you have the taste for. The question is, are the students satisfied with the food choices on campus, and why. "No, because it's nasty and they laxative our food", says Tiara Pelham, a sophomore majoring in English and Business, from Prince George's County. "No, the *hit is nasty", Senior, Travis Oliver majoring in Sociology, from Baltimore responded. Lloyd Mccleave a senior from Baltimore as well, held no cut cards when he said, "Hell no! The *hit is terrible!" So, the students of Frostburg State University don't seem satisfied. Although there are a number of choices, nothing is appeasing. The students eat simply because they are hungry. Food with no enjoyment, now that doesn't seem too fun.

Who is the better rapper? . . .Tupac? or Biggie?

After hitting the pavement to try to solve this controversial argument, some interesting statements were made about some champion rappers. Who is the better rapper, Notorious B.I.G or Tupac? This question should be in history books. It has always been an east coast-west coast “beefing” ordeal, but today on Frostburg’s campus, it was simply just one talented rapper against another.
There were many different opinions, “Tupac just goes and flows”, says Makeda Peterson, a Criminal Justice Major from Landover Maryland. “There aint nobody better than him, and that’s it!” she firmly states”. Kenar Johnson, an urban and regional planning major from Washington D.C, thinks otherwise. “I can relate to Biggie more, he says things that are true, and are worth listening to”, he says. Brian Anderson from Baltimore MD agrees, “Can’t nobody do it like Biggie, he is just the best. All of his raps make sense, and when you listen to him, you can hear him put actual life events into all his rhymes”. This issue has many unique feelings together to describe how great these two men were. They are both worth the hype they receive from fans like the ones on Frostburg campus. Some people actually relate to the things these talented men put in their lyrics and others like Gabriel Ezimorah from Nigeria. “I like Tupac better, but both men are great rappers”, he says. Maybe this debate will be eternal!

Have you ever been involved in a hate crime?

African Americans were threatened by lynching at St. Lois University. A swastika was drawn on a bathroom wall near a Jewish studies center at University of Miami. A student commits suicide after his roommate tapes him having sex with his partner. Hate crimes such as these have been happening for years and the recent events that have taken place at Rutgers University have many thinking about all about hate crimes.

So what is a hate crime exactly? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary a hate crime is any of various crimes motivated by hostility to the victim as a member of a group (such as race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.); these are crimes that have been brought about due to bias and contempt. Hate crimes can include: bullying, harassment, abuse (verbal, mental, and physical), damage and defacing of property, and so on.

The tragedy at Rutgers has many people wondering, " Has this happened at my school? Could it ever happen?" At Frostburg State University, it would seem like hate crimes have yet to happen on this campus. Of those interviewed, no one had ever been a victim nor a participant in such a crime. Ashley Cooke, an Athletic Training major, said she had never been involved in either. Lindsey Peacher, a sophomore, says "No of course I've never been involved in a hate crime. That would be terrible." Danielle Sheally, another Early Childhood Education major, also felt strongly about this when answering when asked if she had ever been a victim of hate crime or participated in one, saying "No! Never!" Unfortunately however, this does not mean that hate crimes will have never happened here before, nor does it mean that they will not happen in the future.

Technology Advances

I interviewed three people around the Frostburg State University campus, asking them the question, " Do you feel technology is becoming too advanced?" Many people feel that is technolgy becomes too advanced there will be no use for us anymore and it will rule our lives, while others believe that there is no such thing as technology becoming too advanced.

Laura Reeves, of Westminster, MD, believes technology is not becoming too advanced. She says, "I am a scientist and I like technology because as much as technology advances, hopefully science can advance further because of it." Laura is a senior at FSU, majoring in Math.

Judy Abbott, the Information Desk Manager, when asked about technology advancements replied, "No ten years ago we though technology was going to advance too much, but look at us now... and ten years from now it's going to be more advanced, we don't think it's going to be, but it will!"

FSU student, Alyssa Ballard states, "Yes and No... If we get to a certain point then technology will be ruling our lives but until then technology is a good thing because, it helps us make advancements with things like medicine." Ballard is a Sophomore majoring in English from Odentown, MD.

As you can see the three people interviewed have similar opinions about technology advancements. They all believe that technology advancing is going to happen and for the most part it will be a positive thing in our world.

Frostburg's Enrollment Forecast

Frostburg State University (F.S.U.) can be a very cold place. According to The Weather Channel, Frostburg's Average low in January is 16 degrees! These extreme temperatures are cause for some debate among students, faculty, and Staff. Does the weather in Frostburg change enrollment totals?

Shayna Kramer, a sophomore at F.S.U thinks so "especially for people who don't like the cold, they may choose to go to Salisbury."

Faculty and staff seem to have a more hopeful outlook on the way Frostburg's weather affects enrollment. According to Robert Cooper the Director of Student Activities, "... people generally know what they are getting themselves into and are willing to rough it to go to Frostburg."

The answer to this mess is probably "Low Visibility." No one seems to have taken the time to understand the way the weather affects enrollment so it is hard to see the truth. Interestingly enough there is a middle ground. Barbara Stahl, Accounting Clerk 3 for the department of Student and Community Involvement thinks that " It all depends what the weather is like the first time a potential student visits Frostburg.

It will be interesting to see who has the most accurate enrollment forecast for Frostburg in the coming months.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Next Hottest Entertainment

The Next Hottest Entertainment??
By Joe Clingman ENGL 336.002

Imagine riding down the highway, windows rolled down, and blasting 97.8. They are playing the latest and greatest tunes on the radio, and then follow up with news on your favorite sports team. Well Tilmon Isaiha Parker III’s dreams are to do just that, entertain you in the best way by radio.
Straight out of Upper Marlboro, this mass communications major is in love with sports and music. He wants to share the same love to people across the nation by owning his own radio station some day. “If it sounds good, I like. I listen to all types of music”, he says. He is a friendly fun loving person who likes to just hang out with his friends and play video games. Tilmon loves any form of entertainment that makes him bust a gut from laughing. He is a dedicated person to his family which consists of his mom and two sisters. Tilmon graduated from Henry A. Wise high school in 2008 and is expected to graduate from Frostburg State University in the spring of 2012.
Tilmon has played a couple of sports since he was young, but chooses football as his first love. Although, he says, “basketball has taken me only to a couple other states; I have only been on the east coast.” “Florida was the furthest I went, for Disney World.” He knows for sure though that he is going to get to Hawaii and Jamaica some day. “First I have to get over my fear of boats and water, “he states.
Tilmon has always had the dream in becoming someone honored in the media field. He says he is not too anxious to be extra popular. He doesn’t even really want to be a big time famous person in the industry, but to be successful and wealthy enough to take care of his future family.
Comedy is a big part in what Tilmon’s priorities. He loves to laugh and he looks up to comedians like Dave Chapelle, Richard Pryor, and Eddie Murphy. He feels Richard Pryor is the best specifically because he is underrated and unknown by many. Maybe Tilmon’s radio station will exploit Pryor and allow people to get a better view and understanding of him.
Media and sports are definitely a big part of Tilmon’s life. He is very passionate and determined to complete his goals. So look out for him, he could be your next local music and sports station!

Herb Little: Entertainer of the Future

By Darris Dameron, ENGL 336.002

Herb Little was born and raised in the District of Columbia. As a lifelong resident of the District, he talked with passion about where he was from, speaking of his home as if he knows every corner. A graduate of Bishop McNamera, a private school in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Herb is now in his fourth year at Frostburg State University. He describes himself as “a people person.” As someone who also considers himself as a people person, he was asked what his definition of a people person is, and he replied with “Its more about being able to start the conversation in a friendly matter, no matter who it is.” It was apparent, as throughout our interview, multiple people walking through the echo circle either greeted him, or struck up a short conversation with him.

Herb has no passion like his passion he has for music. With a major in Mass Communications, Herb is looking for a degree to help him reach a career in the music industry. “I want to be a performer, an entertainer, a producer, whatever it takes to be a part of music. I just love music really,” said Herb. And he appears to be on the right foot, hosting his own Internet show titled “The Conversation,” a live chat show that covers music and other common interests. It streams through

Herb’s other interests include boxing, various sports and dancing. But if he were stuck on an island with only one thing to do, it would likely be to listen to music. And if you are looking for the name Herb Little in the future, it will likely be tagged in some way, to music.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Getting to Know Amanda Everett

Amanda Marie Wilhelmina Emma Elizabeth Berta Everett was born in 1988, in Baltimore, Maryland. Amanda is attending Frostburg State University to study Sociology ( She is in her fourth year of school, and plans to graduate next year. Amanda attends Frostburg State University alongside her boyfriend, whom she also lives with. She also lives with one other roommate. Amanda Everett has a younger, 18 year old brother, named Michael. You might be wondering if there is a story behind Amanda Everett’s five middle names? Well, Amanda is named after her great-great-aunts with the help of her grandfather. When Amanda talked about her family she stated, “My family is crazy, they just like to have a good time.”

Something unique about Amanda Everett is that she is the only person in her family with brown eyes. Amanda drives a Dodge Neon, and is hoping to get it replaced fairly soon with a Dodge Durango, because of car trouble. Also, Amanda likes to play sports, especially volleyball. Something interesting about Amanda Everett is she has her nail technician license. She also has seven tattoos and twelve piercings. When Amanda was asked her favorite thing to do in Frostburg, she replied, “The only thing up here to do is go to Wal-Mart!” In addition to being a Sociology major, Amanda took a leadership role as a former President of the Sociology Club at Frostburg State University. Furthermore, Amanda’s favorite class she has taken in college is a course she is currently taking. She really enjoys her ceramics class. Amanda has a favorite movie, “Fools Rush In.” Lastly, she is also very fond of musicals, and her favorite television show is “True Blood.” She also states, “I love the Disney Channel.”

Once Amanda graduates college she would like to have a job teaching at an elementary school. In the future, she would really like to become a principal of a school. While Amanda is at Frostburg for the school year she holds a job with the university at the career center. Amanda has a suitable future ahead of herself in the job market.

Just some random facts about Amanda Everett, she was lucky enough to meet the whole Ravens team. The Ravens are by far, Amanda’s favorite football team. She has never met anyone famous other than the Ravens team. Amanda stated, “Meeting the Ravens was one of the most awesome experiences of my life.” Also, a story about Amanda is that she is terrified of Freddy Krueger. This fear comes from a childhood experience that she described; “When I was younger, about 3 or 4, I had watched the movie, A Nightmare on Elm Street… my cousins were over and they played a terrible prank on me, and since then I can’t overcome the fear! I’m going to buy the movies and force myself to watch them so I can get over it!” Amanda couldn’t remember exactly what prank her cousins pulled her, just that it scared her enough to never watch the movies again. These are only a few important things about Amanda Marie Wilhelmina Emma Elizabeth Berta Everett.

The Two “Teams” of Thomas Gregory Ehrig

By Janine Fields: ENGL 336.002

Every person in the world has a story to tell about who they are, where they came from and what they are going to do in their life. All of the stories and lessons come from the different relationships that one has with others. Thomas Gregory Ehrig is no different from that simple fact about humans. He was born on October 14 and has at least 20 years under his belt. Though, he laughs at the talk about his birthday, “I am the baby in my family with an older sister who is 31 and a brother who is 27”. His family lives in Olney, Maryland in Montgomery County. This is the county where he graduated from the Colonel Zadok A. Magruder High school in 2007. After graduating he made the choice to go to Frostburg State University and start to learn many lessons that will carry over to adulthood.
In his first year of college Ehrig joined the tennis team who had a 2-16 record for that year. Putting tennis on the back burner, he joined Sigma Tau Gamma in his sophomore year. This school year he is doing fall warm up to get himself conditioned for his season back in tennis since 2008. The Frostburg tennis team had a 9-6 season last year with hopes of a good season this year. Also this year, he is an actual brother of Sigma Tau Gamma which is a national recognized fraternity here at Frostburg State University. Sigma Tau Gamma was founded in 1920 by a group of men who were veterans of World War I who believed in the principles of value, learning, leadership, excellence, benefit, and integrity. The Frostburg chapter that he participates in today was founded in 1960 and is very active in the community. A couple of the philanthropy activities that his chapter participates in are BACCHUS/GAMMA and Books for Kids. Coming to his junior year, he has learned a lot about the different expectations of himself and of others around him.
When asked about the difference between being an active member of the tennis team and Sigma Tau Gamma, he responded that the expectations are the first thing that comes to mind. “In tennis you just play the game, Sigma Tau Gamma is different.” The tennis teams only expects for him to play the game and to be able to maintain good grades so he can play. His fraternity teaches him more about teamwork and responsibilities as there are set rules that all Greek organizations must follow. Also, Sigma Tau Gamma is a brotherhood and that sense of brotherhood stays with the members throughout life and helps them with any group that they join after college. Ehrig though, also made the comment to “keep close friends close” in the fact that he learned also that he cannot trust every person that he meets. In any path that he chooses to pursue after college he will always keep this basic knowledge with him in the choices that he makes from now on.

Frostburg Sports(tennis):
Sigma Tau Gamma:
Frostburg Greek Life:

Darris Dameron by Herbert Little

On September 5, 2010 I had the pleasure of interviewing fellow scholar Darris Dameron. Darris and I have been attending Frostburg State University for the past three years together and I find it interesting this is our first time meeting. I learned that Darris was born in Fort Bennington Georgia, on May 25, 1988. Due to his father’s military responsibilities he often traveled around the east coast of the United States of America. He would end up living in Montross Virginia for good portions of his childhood, where he learned to appreciate the much slow pace country life. When Darris became older he moved to Suitland Maryland where he attended Fredrick Douglas High School. After attending Douglas High School, he was accepted to Frostburg State where is now finishing up his final year of college.
At Frostburg State Darris is majoring in Mass Communication, with a focus in radio and television. The reason he has chosen his focus and major is he finds TV and radio very interesting. Darris hopes that one day his hard work in college will pay off, which will allow him to pursue his dream of becoming a sports analyst on ESPN. Darris’ biggest passion in life his sports, he is a frequent ESPM viewer. He enjoys shows such as Sports center, Sports Nation, NBA on TNT, and many other programming that allows him into the exciting world of sports. Darris would also like to have his sports talk show where he covers a wide selection of different genres of sports. Darris’s all time favorite sport his football. Darris states “I never was one to play football in high school, I was too lazy, but I have always had a huge love for the sport.” I asked Darris about the state of our FSU Bobcats football team this year; surprisingly he doesn’t keep up with the team.
Besides Darris demanding schedule in the classroom he is also very active on campus. Darris is part of the fraternity Sigma Tau Gamma. Darris is a very involved member that truly believes he feels the love from his brothers within the Sigma Tau Gamma organization.
Darris Dameron is just overflowing with potential and is really close to the time where he will have to leave the mountains of Frostburg Maryland and embark on a whole new journey. I cannot speak for Darris , but in the time I got to get to know him he is the last guy I am concerned about not becoming a successful individual in this world, so Darris do not change a bit you are on the right path.