Thursday, October 21, 2010

Does "One" Vote Really Make a Difference?

Every year celebrities and different organizations spend millions of dollars on campaigns to encourage young adults to vote. But does it really work, are these campaigns actually enticing college students to register and vote in every election? Jennifer Fox, an Elementary Education major in her third year says she is currently not registered to vote and has no intentions of registering. She states, "There are people way smarter out there who know politics and know what's better than I do. I mean what's losing one voter really going to do?" One must wonder if more than one college student has this ideal than aren't we losing entirely more than just "one vote?" Alex Bishop, a sophomore Engineering major states, "Of course I'm registered to vote and I will be voting in the election. We are the generation that is going to be picking the leaders; every person we put into office will be impacting our lives, every day." Maybe there is hope after all for politicians to inspire young voters. However, Eleasha Phillips, a Senior Psychology major says that she is registered to vote, but only votes during presidential elections, because she feels, "Voting for the president is really the only election that counts. All the old people in a town will control who your mayor or governor or stuff like that is. Younger people really can't control that."

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